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Come See With Me
Exhibition June 28 – July 23, 2020
As long as I can remember I’ve wanted to paint. As a child it was such an exciting time when my Mom and Dad got me my first of several water color paint sets that came in the small metal tray box. I then graduated to paint by numbers. But it was in my eighth grade option art class with Mrs Gladys Scotvald that my world truly opened up. After painting fibre boards white, we then found pictures in magazines that we painted on the rough surface with fat brushes. Waterfalls, birds and mountains flowed from our youthful attempts. I was hooked.
Then on our 1st Christmas together, my husband Ken got me an oil paint set and tabletop easel. I still use the easel for painting today.
The busy life of children and jobs limited my time to paint. But retirement flung the door open wide. With some prodding from a couple friends, I have painted more in the last three years than all the preceding time. It has been a time of development and fun. When I hit a tough spot, I ask God to help me figure it out and before I know it, there it is a new technique found out.
I have had the privilege to sit at my kitchen table and paint with our daughter Carrie, our two grandsons Joshua (13) and William (11) and their Mom Roselyn. My grandsons are merciless. They have no fear and pick pictures to paint that send shivers down my spine because they are so hard. With excitement in their eyes they pipe up….”Grandma! Can I paint this one?!” “Sure you can!”, I just as enthusiastically reply. Who am I to stop creativity?!
It was a nervous time to have my first showing in the Elmworth School Library.(again a prodding friend. haha) I will also be stretched at the BACS showing. But my heart’s desire is that whoever comes to see the show that they will receive something from at least one piece. That it would stir a good memory or put a smile on their face.
I’ve called it “Come See With Me.”
What comes with this title is a multi-facet variety. We live in such a rich environment of topics in everyday life. Things that bring us comfort. Things that stir memories. Hard work and hard play. Scenery with their multiple seasons wherever we turn our eye. I have so many things to paint that I try not to pick any more subjects because I want to catch up on what I already have. And so it is my pleasure to share with you some of these real life moments in this show.
Blessings to you, Mickey Death.